TSB Family

We care about people. From the beginning, we have advocated for love and trust as the main gears in our team. We believe in the human component as an indispensable part of the experience, which begins with the first smile, the first greeting, and even a phone call.

Treat others as you would like to be treated.

Each of us contributes to this great little family. From different parts of the world, we have created a young team with a passion for gastronomy and people, motivation for a job well done, and common sense at all times. Like in food, you can't please everyone, but connecting is a matter of observing, listening, and wanting.

At The Sopa Boba, we seek this connection and closeness to learn from each client and each experience. We adapt to you so that you enjoy the most of the time you spend with us, so that we all feel at home.

Want to work with us?

If you prefer, you can directly send us an email with your CV to:


Reserve your table

Make your reservation in advance to avoid waiting. Especially for large groups ;)